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Configure the Blocklist

How to configure the Stack Overflow for Teams Blocklist to warn or block users when they enter restricted words or phrases.

Loren Alldrin avatar
Written by Loren Alldrin
Updated over 2 months ago
Applies to: Enterprise


This documentation is for Stack Overflow for Teams Enterprise. Free, Basic, and Business users can access their documentation here. Find your plan.


Stack Overflow for Teams Enterprise (SOE) has a Blocklist tool that allows you to create a list of specific words or phrases that the site will watch for as users submit text. If the Blocklist tool finds a match, it will warn the user or even block them from submitting what they wrote. Blocklist can watch for personally identifiable information (PII), passwords, security keys, profanity, and more.

NOTE: SOE's Blocklist is a rarely used feature with minimal controls. We recommend you use it in limited cases, to block just a few words or phrases. If not used with care, Blocklist could keep your users from entering text anywhere on your site.

SOE's Blocklist uses regular expressions (RegEx) patterns to perform flexible, case-insensitive matches. RegEx patterns can be tricky to write, so we suggest using the many tutorials and RegEx testers available online. We'll also list some specific patterns in the RegEx patterns section at the end of this article.

NOTE: Though this feature is now called "Blocklist", the URL and user interface still reference its original name: "Blacklist".

Blocklist interface

To access the Blocklist, go to https://[your_site]/developer/data-editor/Blacklist (admin access required). Here you'll add Blocklist entries in a table format. There's no limit to the number of entries you can create.

To create a new Blocklist entry, click add.
To edit an entry, click edit.
To delete an entry, click X.

To quickly set a datetime field to the current date and time, click set to utc now.

Blocklist fields

Each Blocklist entry has the following fields:

  • BlacklistType The specific area that SOE will monitor for this search pattern. Unless you have a reason to choose another type, leave Universal selected to monitor all text entry boxes.

  • CreationDate The date the entry was created.

  • RegexPattern The RegEx pattern SOE will search for when a user submits text.

  • DeletionDate The presence of any date in this field will cause SOE to deactivate the entry. The site will later delete the inactive entry (see the Inactive blocklist entries section below).

  • LastMatchDate The last date, if any, SOE found this search pattern in a user's text entry.

  • MatchCount The total number of matches for this search pattern.

  • GuidanceText The message displayed when this search pattern is found in a user's text entry.

  • MatchAction Whether SOE should warn the user and allow the text submission, or warn and block the submission.

Warn and block

When Blocklist detects a prohibited string in the user's text entry, it will either warn the user or both warn and block the submission. In both cases, SOE displays the GuidanceText value.

Here's an example of the Warn MatchAction.

Here's an example of the Block MatchAction.

NOTE: Certain actions (edit, more), have an all sites checkbox. Check this box to make changes across your main Q&A area as well as any teams.

Inactive blocklist entries

After a period of time with no matches, a scheduled process deletes unused blocklist entries. This process will delete a blocklist entry if:

The entry is at least 30 days old and has never been matched
​ - or -
The entry has been matched at least once but not within the past 90 days
​ - and -
The BlacklistType is not Tag or IntrinsicTag.

Blocklist logs

You can see Blocklist activity in the developer logs. Check the logs to make sure your Blocklist entries are matching the correct text (and nothing more).

Access the logs with these URLs:

  • Blocked submissions https://[your_site]/developer/logs/2

  • Warnings https://[your_site]/developer/logs/42

RegEx patterns

Any standard RegEx pattern will work in the Blocklist, but proceed with caution. Blocklist entries are active as soon as you submit them, so an improperly formed pattern could keep your users from submitting text anywhere on the site.

We recommend starting new Blocklist entries with MatchAction set to Warn, switching to Block only after the pattern has been tested. You may also want to use an online RegEx tester before adding any new patterns to the list.

Below are some RegEx patterns you may find useful.


RegEx Pattern

Social security number


Slack token


RSA private key


SSH (OPENSSH) private key


SSH (DSA) private key


SSH (EC) private key


PGP private key block


Facebook Oauth


Twitter Oauth




Google Oauth




Heroku API key


Generic secret


Generic API Key


Slack webhook[a-zA-Z0-9_]{8}/B[a-zA-Z0-9_]{8}/[a-zA-Z0-9_]{24}

Password in URL


IPv4 address


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