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OverflowAI Enhanced Search Overview
OverflowAI Enhanced Search Overview

Learn more about the benefits and features of OverflowAI Enhanced Search.

Joel Bradley avatar
Written by Joel Bradley
Updated over a week ago

Tags | Search | OverflowAI |

Applies to: Enterprise

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Stack Overflow for Teams helps technologists share knowledge and break down silos across organizations, helping users get to their answers and back to work faster. Oftentimes, the answers users are looking for already exist in their knowledge community; they just need to be found. Finding answers requires your teams to sift through search results to determine what content best helps them arrive at the answer to their specific query. Stack Overflow for Teams uses semantic search technology to interpret user intent and needs from search queries, which is a great step towards a better search experience.

With the help of generative AI, we’re improving the search experience within Stack Overflow for Teams even more by reducing the time it takes for a user to find the answer they need. Enhanced Search adds the power of GenAI to provide the most relevant and comprehensive answers instantly. It quickly aggregates and summarizes the most relevant search results from your internal Stack Overflow for Teams community into helpful answers that attribute subject matter experts across your organization.

This streamlined search experience allows your teams to make better decisions, move past blockers faster, and discover knowledge less visible in traditional search.

The AI-powered Enhanced Search module is included in the OverflowAI add-on. If you're ready to elevate and enhance your team's capabilities with OverflowAI, reach out to our sales team today.

If you need further support or have questions, contact your site administrator.

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