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All about topic-focused communities.

Loren Alldrin avatar
Written by Loren Alldrin
Updated over 3 months ago

Tags | Communities | Tags |

Applies to: All Stack Overflow for Teams


The Stack Overflow Communities feature offers an exciting way for users to engage and collaborate across shared interests, projects, or expertise. Communities are self-organizing groups where members can:

  • Share and learn together

  • Grow their knowledge and expertise

  • Solve problems

  • Build connections and break down knowledge silos

At their heart, Communities are organized around one or more content tags. Communities automatically include questions, answers, Articles, and Collections that contain at least one of the defined tags. Content that contains additional tags not defined by the Community is still included.

NOTE: Communities are available on Stack Overflow for Teams Enterprise and Business (not Basic or Free). Find your plan.

Access and Manage Communities

To access the Communities page, click Communities in the left-hand menu. The Communities page has filter, search, and sort controls above a list of Communities on your site. Each Community listing includes its name, description, number of members, and associated tags.

To refine the Communities list, use the controls at the top of the page.

Communities sort and filter controls include:

Permissions Toggle between All Communities, or Your Communities (those you've already joined).

Community name Search for Communities by name.

Community tags Filter the Communities list to those associated with the tag(s) you enter.

Sort Order the list by Newest, Name, or number of Members.

To join any Community, click its Join button. If you've already joined a Community, you'll see a Joined button instead. When you hover over the Joined button, it changes to Leave. Click Leave to leave a Community.

Click on any Community title to enter that Community. The Community overview page appears, listing member statistics, Community insights, recent activity, trending posts, and other details about the Community.

In addition to the default Overview tab, you can focus your view by clicking Questions, Articles, Collections, or Members at the top of the page.

The "Community insights" box shows median time to answer, answer ratio, and interaction rate for the prior week.

This area gives you a glance into the current health and engagement of the community, as well as trends as a percentage of change compared to the previous week.

The "COMMUNITY ACTIVITY" area shows details about recent activity in the Community, either your own activity or that of other members.

To see only your own activity, click Your activity. To see the activity of all members of the Community, click All activity.

The "Unanswered questions" area shows Community questions that are in need of answers.

The "Trending posts" area shows the Community's most-viewed questions, answers, and articles, sorted by number of views.

Add Content to a Community

Any member can add content from inside a Community by clicking Add to Community, then selecting Question, Article, or Collection.

The process for creating a new question or Article from inside a Community is the same as from elsewhere on the site, with one exception: Stack Overflow will automatically populate the new content with the Community's tags. Before submitting, you can add or delete these tags. If you remove all of the Community's tags, however, your new content won't appear in the Community.

You can achieve similar results by adding content (for example: asking a question) from within the main site. Be sure to include at least one of the Community's tags, and your new content will appear in the Community.

Community Alerts, Updates, and For You

Your "For You" area will notify you when you've joined a community or have been added to a Community by someone else. Additionally, all users will see Community activity in the weekly digest email, which will highlight new Communities created in the past month and largest Communities (by member count).


You can monitor Community activity (questions, answers, Articles) in both Slack and Microsoft Teams, receiving alerts when someone adds a new question, answer, or Article in your Community.

Slack integration

To create a Slack notification for a Community, click your avatar (profile image) then access your settings. Click Slack integrations under the "APPS & INTEGRATIONS" (Teams Enterprise) or "INTEGRATIONS" (Teams Business) heading. Click Create Slack notification. Under the "What tags would you like to be notified about" heading, select All tags.

NOTE: You must select All tags to create a Community notification. If you select specific tags for the new notification, Stack Overflow will disable the Community selector.

Use the Community pull-down menu to select which Community to receive notifications from.

Microsoft Teams integration

To create Microsoft Teams notifications for Communities, go to your Stack Overflow Microsoft Teams integration. Click Notifications, then use the "What activity…" checkboxes to select the type of activity you want to receive notifications for. In the "Filter this activity by" area, click Community.

With the Community filter selected, you'll see a pull-down menu that lists all Communities you're a member of. Select the Community you want to receive notifications for.

Click Create notification to accept your selections and create the Community notification.

Create a Community

Users granted rights to create new Communities will see an Add community button at the top of the Communities home page. Click this button to create a new Community.

In the "Create new community" box, enter a Community name and Community purpose (description) for the new Community. In the Tags area, select at least one tag (up to a maximum of 30 tags) to define your Community's content focus. Your new Community will automatically include any questions, answers, or Articles that contain any one of these tags. When users create new questions or Articles from inside the Community, Stack Overflow will automatically pre-populate these tags.

NOTE: In order to avoid duplicates, you can't create a Community with the same name or exact set of tags as an existing Community.

In the Members area, Stack Overflow will suggest subject matter experts and top contributors for your selected tag(s). Click Add on each suggestion to accept. Your user name will appear automatically in the Members list as well. Click the X button by your name to remove yourself if you don't want to be a member of the new Community.

You can also manually locate and add members to your new Community, including individual users, groups, and departments. Adding members to a Community at creation is optional—anyone can join the community later, and community creators, admins, and moderators can also add or remove members. There's no limit to the number of members a Community can have.

NOTE: Adding members to a new Community on creation—especially those with subject matter expertise—can help jump-start engagement.

Edit or Delete a Community

From within a Community, the Community creator, admins, or moderators will see a Manage button in the upper-right corner (regular users will not see this button). Click Manage, then Edit or Delete Community.

Editing a Community allows you to change the name, description, tags, and member roster. Deleting a Community removes it completely from your Stack Overflow site.

NOTE: Exercise caution when changing your Community's tags. Adding or removing even a single tag can dramatically change the content of your Community.

Retrieve communities with the API (Stack Overflow for Teams Enterprise only)

Teams Enterprise users can use the Stack Overflow for Teams API /communities endpoint to retrieve communities on their site. For more information on the API, check out our API v3 for Teams Enterprise article.

Need help? Submit an issue or question through our support portal.

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