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Latest Releases for the Business Tier of Teams
Latest Releases for the Business Tier of Teams

A roundup of our latests releases for the Business tier of Teams and links to more documentation.

Joel Bradley avatar
Written by Joel Bradley
Updated over a week ago

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Applies to: Business

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July 5, 2023

SOC 2 Type II Report (Business Plan)

A SOC (Service Organization Controls) 2 Type II report attests that the controls that we put in place match established and trusted requirements including applicable international security. SOC 2 examines the policies angithd controls around security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy. SOC 2 Type II measures control effectiveness over a sustained six-month period. Learn more about SOC 2 Type II attestation here.

May 17, 2023

Feature: Stack Overflow for Teams API v3

The latest version of the Stack Overflow for Teams API introduces a modern design with improved functionality that aligns with what many customers have come to expect with their SaaS products. Offering a more accessible, flexible, and familiar toolset for developers, API v3 allows users to build solutions that go beyond our out-of-the-box integrations and meet specific organizational needs. It also helps streamline SME and User Group management.

Available for Stack Overflow for Teams Business (read/write) and Basic (read-only), Stack Overflow for Teams API v3 offers:

  • Extended functionality with endpoints for SMEs, User Groups, and Private Teams to streamline and automate management.

  • Modern design that features API patterns familiar to developers, making it easy to understand and implement.

  • Improved documentation using Swagger UI, an industry-standard tool that reduces development time with dynamic API definitions and interactive testing features.

Stack Overflow for Teams API v3 currently works alongside API v2.3, so you can continue to use your API v2.3 integrations. Learn more about API v3.

Feature: Easier-to-find Bookmarks
We’ve rolled out an easier way to access the knowledge you’ve stored in Bookmarks. Bookmarks are now available in the left-hand navigation panel and searchable by title, post author, post type, and Tags for even easier access to the knowledge you need at your fingertips. Additionally, users can sort their bookmarked content by Date Added, Newest, and Recently edited.

Feature: Imported SAML Title and Department
For teams using SAML, we’ve added two new fields—job title and department—to allow admins to optionally capture additional user details from their IdP and display those fields in the user’s profile. These additional fields can help users better understand what roles their colleagues are responsible for, and instill trust in provided answers by users who may not yet be recognized as SMEs.

Jan 18, 2023

Feature: “Your 2022 Stacked” year in review report

Your 2022 Stacked aims to celebrate your team’s contributions and community impact over the past calendar year through a visually engaging experience that highlights achievements beyond the metrics available in the dashboard. The leaderboards shown on Your 2022 Stacked showcase unique contributor- and content-related metrics that celebrate attributes like curiosity and support, along with the most popular topics and content in the calendar year.

Dec 2022

Feature: Personal Access Tokens (PATs) for API v2.3

The new personal access token (PAT) replaces the API authentication method that uses secret keys and access tokens. Learn how to create a PAT in this step-by-step guide.

Nov 2022

Introduced a new domain for Stack Overflow for Teams:

To improve product experience, security, and scale, we’ve separated the public site and Stack Overflow for Teams sites. This has two main benefits:

  1. Provides you with better visibility into whether you are working within your private Team or in the global, public community.

  2. Helps Stack Overflow better service, test, and improve Teams without making infrastructure changes to our public site (and vice-versa).

June 8, 2022

Feature: Enhanced Teams Dashboard

The updated Dashboard adds additional ways to view and track your organization's engagement with their knowledge base:

  • Administrators can set custom benchmarks to validate how the community is performing against goals. This is accessed via Admin Settings -> Dashboard.

  • Track metric performance against previous time periods or against benchmarks

  • Personalize the layout to prioritize which metrics are important to you

  • Filter metrics by Tag

  • Get visibility into chat integration (Slack, Microsoft Teams) usage

  • Get insights into trending Tags, questions, and articles.

The dashboard is viewable by both users and administrators, and is located on the left-hand navigation menu. Only administrators may set the benchmarks. Learn more about the dashboard enhancements here.

March 3, 2022

Feature: Content Health enhancements

Content Health features and capabilities include:

  • Content Health Review Queue: The dashboard and review queue enable users to easily prioritize which content to review based on its age and popularity. Users can verify, edit, close, or mark content as obsolete.

  • Marking Obsolete: Admins can mark content as obsolete so posts are locked, demoted within search, and clearly marked that the knowledge is irrelevant and outdated without losing historical context.

  • Configurable Priority Settings: Admins can decide how they prioritize knowledge for review and corrective action based on criteria such as last updated date and frequency of use, and users can filter the queue based on title keywords, post type, and tagged topics.

In addition to these core features, we’ve added:

  • Notifications: Users receive prompts via email and their personalized “For You” feed when their answers or questions are identified as potentially out-of-date.

  • Managing Accepted Answers: Moderators and Admins can now change the accepted answer for a question.

  • Unpinning of Accepted Answers: The default sort for answers will now be by upvotes, and the accepted answer will no longer be pinned to the top of the list of answers.

Learn more about Content Health enhancements here.

November 17, 2021

Feature: Content Health

We've added a new feature, Content Health, that programmatically flags content to help you keep your knowledge base healthy and up-to-date. Engaged users and experts can take action by reviewing, updating, or retiring knowledge that Content Health flags, rather than manually scouring the knowledge base for necessary updates. This feature helps shared knowledge stay relevant so that Stack Overflow for Teams continues to be a useful and valued knowledge base for your organization

Learn more about Content Health here.

March 31st, 2021

Feature: Slack v3 - more functionality

We released a new version of our Slack integration (Slack v3) in late 2020. What new functionality has been added to the latest Slack v3 version?

Ability to add notifications to a private Slack channel

  • The functionality was previously not supported with the release of Slack v3

  • Users can stay up to date through notifications within a private channel for activities including:

  • Users must invite the GBP bot to the private channel and update their notification settings using the new /stack notify functionality in order to enable notifications

Ability to manage Slack notifications without leaving the chat application

  • Use command /stack notify to set up notification from Stack Overflow for Teams within Slack

  • The GBP bot must be added to a channel before notifications can be added

Learn more about Slack v3 here.

Slack v1 and v2 will be deprecated on May 31st, 2021.

March 11th, 2021

Feature: Articles - more functionality

Our Articles feature (released in December of 2020) gained more functionality including draft mode, reputation points, and searchability via tags.

Draft mode
Users can start drafting an Article and the Article will auto-save after 45 seconds. The user can then leave the draft and pick up where they left off without needing to publish.

Users can add tags to an Article to help group the content with other relevant pieces. Up until now, the Article didn't appear in the tag search. With the latest release, the Article will now appear in search alongside questions and answers. If a user follows a tag, new and updated Articles will appear in the feed and alerts as well.

Reputation points will be awarded when users upvote the Article. We've also retroactively allocated points to users who have received votes on their Articles in the past.

December 16th, 2020

Feature: Slack Integration v3

  • Basic & Business plans

  • Supports org-wide installs

  • Granular Bot Permissions (GBP)

  • Sunsetting former versions of the integration by end of April 2021

  • Updated Ask flow from Slack

Slack v3 is our latest integration application that supports Slack’s most recent platform built for integrations. Slack v3 uses Granular Bot Permissions (“GBP”), and it allows our application to support Org-Wide App Installs.

Slack v3 uses the preferred integration path with Slack. As Slack’s platform has evolved over time, they have come out with different methods for integrations. Roughly speaking, we can refer to the various integrations paths in these buckets:

  • Slack v1: Webhooks

  • Slack v2: Slack Workspace App (Classic Slack App on Enterprise)

  • Slack v3: Slack GBP

What do you need to do if you're on an earlier version of the integration?

  1. Uninstall the app

To learn more about the latest version of our Slack integration (and the rest of our integrations), check out this article in the help center.

Feature Functionality: GDPR Subject Access Rights

  • Delete functionality added

We now expose a ‘Delete user’ action in addition to ‘Export user’ and the existing ‘Deactivate user’ function. Deleted users will not show up under deactivated users, and if they come back (after being invited by admin again) - they start from scratch in terms of reputation and attributed content.

Feature Functionality: Articles

  • More functionality added to the Articles feature

  • Save an Article to a Collection

  • Open other Article types by clicking on the type icon

  • Coming soon: Better filter, search, and organization

With our latest functionality updates, users can save an Article directly to a Collection without leaving the Article page. Users can also see other Articles of the same type by clicking on the Article type in the header.

See all information regarding Articles here.

August 10th, 2020

Feature: Articles

  • Business plans only

  • Store long-form content

  • Add to collections

  • Copy/paste existing docs

  • Brand new WSYWIG editor

More about Articles here.

June 23, 2020

Feature: Custom Awards

Custom Awards allows a team’s admin to create their own awards based on specific criteria.

  • Business plans only

  • Customize criteria

  • Award to specific team members

  • Recent awards displays in right hand side of home screen

Learn more about Custom Awards here.

May 06, 2020

Feature: Collections

A Collection is a new way of grouping content, regardless of tag or content type.

With this new feature, any user can set up a collection for all their team to see and share pockets of knowledge grouped together via various content.

  • Business plans only

  • Collect knowledge for specific projects, activities, or technology

  • Add questions and answers as well as Articles

  • Share editing rights with other team members

Learn more about Collections here.

March 12, 2020

Feature: User Groups

When questions arise under that group's area of expertise, pinging each user individually or picking and choosing who might be the best option can be cumbersome. We've introduced User Groups as a method to allow you to reach out to entire groups of users with a single name, rather than individually pinging them all.

  • Business plans only

  • Notify an entire group of people at once of new content

  • Ask a group of experts most likely to know the answers

Learn more about User Groups here.

Need help? Submit an issue or question through our support portal.

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